Two Scots teenagers have been charged in connection with a cyber attack on the Metropolitan Police.

In July this year, the police force's news platform was hacked - which led to an online rant from US President Donald Trump.

Right-wing commentator Katie Hopkins retweeted one of the hacked Twitter messages, stating: "Officers says they have lost control of London streets. Apparently they lost control of their Twitter account too."

In response, Trump attacked London mayor Sadiq Khan by commenting: "With the incompetent mayor of London, you will never have safe streets."

A stream of unusual emails were also sent from the force's press bureau during the breach.

At the time, Scotland Yard confirmed its website had "been subject to unauthorised access", but stated there had been no "hack" of its IT infrastructure and the security issue had only affected its MyNewsDesk account, which it uses to issue news releases.

Police Scotland has now confirmed that two men - an 18-year-old from Moray and a 19-year-old from Glasgow - have been arrested and charged in connection with the hack.

A report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

A force spokesperson said: "Two men, aged 18 and 19, from the Lossiemouth and Glasgow areas respectively, have been arrested and charged in connection with unauthorised access and publication of content on the Metropolitan Police Service's news platform on Friday, July 19.

"A report will be submitted to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service."