Rangers managing director Stewart Robertson has said that the club will pick up the search for a director of football this week.

But Robertson would not put a timescale on getting the right candidate in place.

The Ibrox club conducted interviews for the role while recruiting a new manager following Mark Warburton's departure in February.

The selection process was put on hold after Pedro Caixinha was appointed team coach. Robertson now says the time is right to resume the search.

He told STV: "We've taken a couple of weeks to get Pedro settled in, which has gone well so far, and we're just about to pick that up again in terms of looking for candidates for the director of football role.

"That will take as long as it takes. There's no time frame that we've set for that. We just want to get the best possible person for the job and we will start to get stuck into that again this week."

Interviews were previously held and Robertson said those interviewed may still be in the running.

"It's a combination [of people we spoke to before and new candidates]," he said. "We've got various people to speak to."

He added: "When we initially looked at a director of football it was something that was going to happen quietly in the background. Then everything happened with the manager and events sort of overtook us on that.

"So it'll be good to work away at it quietly without the glare of publicity really and try and get an appointment made."

With Caixinha now in place, Rangers have also been speaking to individuals about taking a coaching role in his background team. An emphasis is being placed on knowledge of the club and Scottish football to aid the Portuguese manager. Robertson said the idea came from Caixinha, who would have the major say on who was appointed.

"Pedro's met several candidates for that position and he's got another couple to meet," he said. "Really, it'll be down to his view of those candidates and if he wants to go with one of those then it'll be sooner rather than later.

"If he wants to widen the net then it may take a wee bit longer.

"It was Pedro who said that he would like to have a local person as part of his team and from that we've had people who've expressed an interest and some people we were aware of.

"So it's really going to come down to someone he feels he can work with and can have a good relationship with and build a trust with.

"That's the key thing."

Caixinha has been tasked with improving the playing staff and results and will be looking to add new signings in the summer.

Though chairman Dave King has been ordered to make a purchase offer to shareholders by the Takeover Appeals Board, Robertson said that transfer funding would not be affected by any potential pay-out by the South Africa-based businessman.

"That situation is really something for Dave personally," he said. "Dave's commitment is there in terms of investment in the club going forward, in terms of signings in the summer so there's absolute clarity there that it's still as it was before."