World's tallest hedge gets trim for first time in 20 years
The Meikleour Beech Hedge in Perthshire is more than 270 years old and has links with the Jacobites.
The world's tallest hedge has been given a makeover for the first time in nearly two decades.
The Meikleour Beech Hedge in Perthshire is more than 270 years old and standing at 100ft, it's the highest in the world.
It's also one third of a mile long and will take workers around six weeks to complete the job.
The hedge is a big tourist attraction in the area, with people coming from far and wide to see it.
It has a a strong connection to one of the most famous battles in Scottish history, with Robert Murray Nairne, who planted it back in 1745, a passionate Jacobite during the rebellion.
Claire Mercer Nairne, who owns the hedge, said: "He was a passionate Jacobite and he and his men either all died at the Battle of Culloden or went into exile in France.
"In memory of the noble cause and the lives that were lost during the Jacobite rebellion, the hedge was left to grow to the heavens."
Chic Fleming first trimmed back the hedge more than 40 years ago working with his father, and has continued the family tradition of helping preserve the unusual piece of Scottish history.
He said he is passionate about seeing the hedge is preserved for future generations.
Chic added: "Possibly having been here for so long it's a big part of life as well, and having cut it so many times you become sort of attached to it.
"It means quite a lot, well it does to me anyway and it's quite a talking point."