Fishermen fighting eviction from harbour deliver petition
Landlord Pralhad Kohle wants to evict fishermen from Cove Bay Harbour in Aberdeen.
Fishermen threatened with eviction from a historic fishing harbour have delivered a petition backing their fight to stay.
Nearly 11,000 people signed the petition in support of fishermen working out of Cove Bay Harbour in Aberdeen.
Landlord Pralhad Kohle has repeatedly ordered the fishermen to remove their boats from the port, but they have refused to move and now plan to take their case to court.
The fishermen handed over the petition to Cove councillor Neil Cooney on Monday morning outside Aberdeen Town House.
Jim Adam, chairman of Cove Bay Fishermen’s Association, said: “There are more than 10,000 signatures on the petition and it’s important that the council understand the interest that people have in this.”
The fishermen were first ordered to remove their boats in May 2014, when lawyers representing Mr Kohle gave them two weeks to leave. But the fishermen refused to move and no further action was taken until September 2015, when they were issued with a second ultimatum.
In January, Aberdeen City Council ordered Mr Kohle to tear down a boulder blockade blocking access to the foreshore, but it has not been removed.
Mr Kohle's lawyers previously said the plastic surgeon wants to "improve the harbour for amenity use".
The fishermen have so far raised around £6000 towards their expected £40,000 legal bill.